
I am a neuroscientist, professor and science communicator. Working towards a world where science is accessible to everyone is important to me and I am an advocate for open education, improving public trust in science and promoting scientific and media literacy.

Scientific Journey

I grew up in the beautiful Rocky Mountains of Montana and received Bachelor’s degrees in cellular biology and psychology from the University of Montana. I moved to New England to pursue a PhD in neuroscience at the University of Vermont. There, I worked in the lab of Dr. Bryan Ballif, using biochemical and proteomic approaches to study protein interactions critical to neurodevelopment. In collaboration with Dr. Alicia Ebert, I also investigated the role these proteins play in vertebrate development using zebrafish as a model.

After earning my PhD, I moved to Vancouver, British Columbia to join the lab of Dr. Kota Mizumoto as a postdoctoral research scientist at the University of British Columbia. There, I used genetic techniques and microscopy to study how synapses are formed during nervous system development.

I am now a Professor of Life Sciences at Quest University, a liberal arts college and primarily undergraduate institution in British Columbia, Canada. Here, I enjoy exploring the fields of neuroscience, biology and science communication with my students.

Riley St Clair, PhD

Professor of Life Sciences

Quest University

Recent Talks & Engagements

“How to Transition from Academia to a Science Writing Career”
Panel Co-Organizer

Population, Evolutionary & Quantitative Genetics PEQG22 Annual Meeting
“Conference Success Tips” and “Getting Involved in Early Career Professional Development

American Association for the Advancement of Science
2022 Annual Meeting
Judge, Student Symposium

University Evening Lecture 2021
“Talking science: How we can use our knowledge to make an impact”

Making Science Accessible to All:
Science Communication

Engaging communities with interactive hands-on learning activities to foster curiosity and critical thinking.

Promoting practices to navigate this information-rich world and confidently judge the accuracy of information.

Volunteering with programs that increase girls’ exposure to science and empower them to follow their dreams.

Science and Media Literacy:
Select Posts and Articles

Connect with Me

I am available for collaborations and speaking engagements. For science outreach/communication inquires, speaking invitations or collaborations,
reach out on social media or email.